Sunday, 21 December 2014

How to protect our SD Card/USB and how to remove protection from it.

How to protect our
SD Card/USB and how to remove
protection from it.
You don't have to
download or install any 3rd party
software to do that.. It can be easily
handled by using command prompt.
Just follow the steps mentioned
below :
A. To Enable Write Protection:
1. Open command prompt.
2. Now type "diskpart" and hit enter. It
will ask for administrator permission.
Click Yes.
3. Now type "list disk" and hit enter. It
will list your disks. Note the number
of your SD Card/USB from that list (It
can be easily recognized by size of the
disk. e.g. 4GB = 3819MB)
4. Now type " Select disk x". where x is
the number of disk. In my case, x=2.
5. Now type "attributes disk". It will
show the properties of your disk.
6. Now type "attributes disk set
7. Congratulations, Your disk is now
write protected.
Enable Write Protection
B. To Disable Write Protection:
1. Repeat step no. 1-5 which is shown in
"To Enable Write Protection".
2. Now type " attributes disk clear read
only". It will remove write protection
gfrom your SD Card/USB.

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