Hack Wifi
Every one know that it is very easy to crack a WEP password, so everyone probably secure network using the more bulletproof WPA security protocol.
But we can hack it too.
Here's the bad news: Open source tool Reaver exploits a security hole in wireless routers and can crack most routers' current passwords.
Here's how to crack a WPA or WPA2 password, step by step, with Reaver and how to protect your network against Reaver attacks.
**NOTE :Consider this post educational, or a proof of concept intellectual exercise. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself**
What You'll Need
2.A Blank DVD
3.A computer with compatible Wi-Fi
Here are the specific requirements for this guide:
The BackTrack 5 Live DVD.
BackTrack is a bootable Linux distribution that's filled to the brim with network testing tools, and while it's not strictly required to use Reaver, it's the easiestapproach for most users. Download the Live DVDfrom BackTrack's download pageand burn it to aDVD.
You can alternately download a virtual machine image if you're using VMware, but if you don't know what VMware is, just stick with the Live DVD.
You should select BackTrack 5 R3 from the Release drop-down, select Gnome, 32- or 64-bit depending on your CPU , ISO for image, and then download the ISO.
A computer with Wi-Fi and a DVD drive.
BackTrack will work with the wireless card on most laptops, so chances are your laptop will work fine.
However, BackTrack doesn't have a full compatibility list, so no guarantees. You'll also need a DVD drive, since that's how you'll boot into BackTrack
how WPS creates the security hole that makes WPA cracking possible. This is a 4-step process, and while it's not terribly difficult to crack a WPA password with Reaver, it's a brute-force attack, which means your computer will be testing a number of different combinations of cracks on your router before it finds the right one.
Let's Get Crackin'At this point you should have BackTrack burned to a DVD, and you should have your laptop
1: Boot into BackTrack
To boot into BackTrack, just put the DVD in your drive and boot your machine from the disc. During the boot process, BackTrack will prompt you to to choose the boot mode. Select "BackTrack Text - Default Boot Text Mode" and press Enter. Eventually BackTrack will boot to a command line prompt. When you've reached the prompt, type startx
and press Enter. BackTrack will boot into its graphicalinterface.
2: Install Reaver Update:
This step is no longer necessary, as Reaver comes pre-installed on Backtrack 5 R3.
3.Reaver has been added to the bleeding edge version of BackTrack, but it's not yet incorporated with the live DVD, so as of this writing, you need to install Reaver before proceeding. (Eventually, Reaver will simply be incorporated with BackTrack by default.) To install Reaver, you'll first need to connect to a Wi-Fi network that you have the password to crack.
Click Applications > Internet > Wicd Network Manager
Select your network and click Connect, enter yourpassword if necessary, click OK, and then click Connect a second time.
Now that you're online, let's install Reaver.
Click the Terminal button in the menu bar (or click Applications> Accessories > Terminal).
At the prompt, type: apt-get update
And then, after the update completes: apt-get install reaverIf
all went well, Reaver should now be installed. It may seem a little lame that you need to connect to a network to do this, but it will remain installed until you reboot your computer. At this point, go ahead and disconnect from the network by opening Wicd Network Manager again and clicking Disconnect.
3. Gather Your Device Information, Prep Your Crackin'In order to use Reaver, you need to get your wireless card's interface name, the BSSID of the router you're attempting to crack (the BSSID is a unique series of letters and numbers that identifies a router), and you need to make sure your wireless card is in monitor mode.
So let's do all that.Find your wireless card:Inside Terminal, type:
press Enter. You should see a wireless device in the subsequent list. Most likely, it'll be named
but if you have more than one wireless card, or a moreunusual networking setup, it may be named something different.Put your wireless card into monitor mode:
Assuming your wireless card's interface name is
wlan0, execute the following command to put your wireless card into monitor mode:
airmon-ng start wlan0
This command will output the name of monitor mode interface, which you'll also want to make note of.
Most likely, it'll bemon0.
Make note of that.
Find the BSSID of the router you want to crack:
Lastly, you need to get the unique identifier of the router you're attempting to crack so that you can point Reaver in the right direction.
To do this, execute the following command:
airodump-ng wlan0
(Note: If airodump-ng wlan0doesn't work for you, you may want to try the monitor interface instead—e.g.,airodump-ng mon0.)
You'll see a list of the wireless networks in range
when you see the network you want, press Ctrl+C to stop the list from refreshing, then copy that network's BSSID (it's the series of letters, numbers, and colons on the far left).
The network should have WPA or WPA2 listed under the ENC column.
Now, with the BSSID and monitor interface name in hand, you've got everything you need to start up Reaver.
4. Crack a Network's WPA Password with ReaverNow execute the following command in the Terminal, replacing bssidandmoninterfacewith the BSSID and monitor interface and you copied down above:reaver -
-i moninterface -b bssid -vv
For example, if your monitor interface wasvmon0 like mine, and your BSSID was 9D:AE:8d:65:1F:B2(a BSSID I just made up), your command would look like:reaver
-i mon0 -b 8D:AE:9D:65:1F:B2 -vv
Press Enter, sit back, and let Reaver work its disturbing magic.
Reaver will now try a series of PINs on the router in a brute force attack, one after another.
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